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Не начислили кэшбэк
Самый страшный запрос от клиента звучит именно так :) Поэтому мы подготовили для тебя подсказки, как правильно оформить заказ с кэшбэком
Теперь Tax refund не только на покупки, но и на путешествия!
Привыкли пользоваться услугой Tax refund на покупки за границей? Но вы точно не ожидали получить Tax refund за путешествия!
Горы или море? А что выберете вы?
Это лето дает всем шанс познакомиться с природой и курортами родной страны. Пока раньше все отдыхали в Турции, Греции и на Кипре, в Украине тоже совершенствовался сервис. Вы любите загорать на берегу моря? Или предпочитаете активный отдых в горах? А мы составили для вас топ 5 мест для посещения в каждом направлении!
Онлайн-курсы - это просто
Оказывается, чтобы обучиться чему-то новому, необязательно куда-то ходить. Сегодня обучаться стало гораздо проще. Это можно делать дома, в перерыве на работе или в любимом кафе! Все, что Вам понадобится - ноутбук или телефон, блокнот и ручка. Хотите освоить новую профессию?
Чек-лист по сбору в путешествия
Собираетесь путешествовать? Hello Cashback подготовил для вас чек-лист самых необходимых вещей в дороге!
Когда можно будет путешествовать?
Когда можно будет путешествовать? Это один из самых популярных запросов в интернете. Ситуация с карантином скорректировала планы многих людей, кто собирался провести отпуск заграницей. Так когда же возобновят авиаперелёты?
Когда закончится карантин - последствия. Часть 2
В статье “Когда закончится карантин - последствия. Часть 1”, мы начали рассмотрение разнообразных гипотез экспертов о том, что изменится в мире, когда закончится карантин, и сегодня продолжим рассмотрение данной темы.
Когда закончится карантин - последствия. Часть 1
Когда закончится карантин - мир уже не будет прежним. В этом сходятся все эксперты всех стран и во всех отраслях. Пандемия коронавируса COVID-19 вспыхнула крайне неожиданно и коснулась всех стран, да и всех людей...
Когда закончится карантин в Украине?
“Когда закончится карантин в Украине?” - вряд ли можно найти, хотя бы одного, человека в нашей стране, который бы не задавался этим вопросом. Но больше всего он волнует тех, кто не привык сидеть дома и для кого закрытие границ
How to shop on eBay with delivery to Ukraine and get up to 4,5% of cashback
Great news: eBay marketplace has become Hello Cashback partner! From now on you can get back up to 4,5% of your purchase value on eBay.
AliExpress Anniversary Sale
Big sale: one of the world's largest marketplaces announces unprecedented discounts - up to 70% for over 10 million of goods to mark AliExpress 10th anniversary. Do not miss the opportunity to save twice, buy discounted goods and get up to 5% cashback!
The highest travel cashback - 5% on
The highest cashback for travel services: the Hello Cashback platform refunds part of the travel expenses to its users
How to get cashback from purchases in online stores
“How to get cashback for online shopping?” - today more and more shopaholics are ask this question. And this is not surprising: what's the point of overpaying if you can save on online shopping? Getting cashback is very simple and convenient.
The best cashback 2019: the highest percentage for travel services
The best cashback of 2019: Hello Cashback service refunds to its users up to 5% of hotel reservation on Booking and Expedia, as well as 2% on Airbnb. Today it is the largest percentage of refunds for...
Cashback Sites: How to Save Money on Traveling and Shopping
Cashback sites are services that refund a part of the money spent on buying goods, ordering services on the Internet or traveling (hotel reservations, airline tickets, car rental and even package tours)...
Cashback service: how does it work? Part 2
In the previous article, we figured out in detail how the cashback service works and what details you should pay attention to when choosing an aggregator that will refund you money for purchases, bookings and ordering other services...
Cashback service: how does it work? Part 1
The cashback service is an online platform that cooperates with a large number of stores and services and refunds to their customers who order services or purchase goods definite percentage of the money spent.
Cashback for appliance and electronics
Today, a lot of people are looking for the way how to save money when buying household items. Cashback for appliances and electronics is a way to refund part of the expenses for purchasing online. Citrus, MOYO, Eldorado, Rozetka, AliExpress, Xiaomi...
Technomania must be economical: cashback for Eldorado up to 3,4%
Today probably everyone knows what cashback is: Eldorado and a huge number of online stores pay special fee from its advertising expenses to the cashback service for bringing shoppers to the store...
Cashback for shopping can reach up to 15% 
Cashback for shopping is one of the most popular ways to save on purchasing online. Buying online is faster, easier, and more profitable! Online stores offer wider larger assortment of products, and the prices for most items are of them much lower.
Cashback Booking - 5% savings on every single hotel reservation is the largest hotel reservation resource. Search system options on the website allow you to find and book accommodation worldwide. In order to make a reservation you need to specify the city, dates and conditions...
Head Spinning Cashback Percentage for Travelling and Shopping!
Cashback percentage, as you probably already know, is different at each service. Today in Ukraine about 10 different services payout cashback for travel services. As a rule we are offered to save 0.5 to 3% on travelling and the payout period is up to 60 days...
AliExpress cashback up to 5%
Today everybody knows what cashback is: AliExpress and many other marketplaces and online stores pay a commission to the cashback aggregator for attracting new customers, and the aggregator refunds the major part of the reward directly to the consumer who made the purchase
What is cashback?
It is easy to understand what is cashback - “cash back” literally means the return of money. Cashback is a refund of a certain percentage of expenses on travel and online shopping. The cashback service is beneficial every time you make purchases online or book a hotel
How to get cashback from purchases in online stores
“How to get cashback for online shopping?” - today more and more shopaholics are ask this question. And this is not surprising: what's the point of overpaying if you can save on online shopping?
Attractive cashback for travel and shopping: 5% on Booking and AliExpress
Attractive cashback - is it myth or reality? If you are looking for a service that refunds the highest percentage of travel expenses, then we have good news - Hello Cashback pays 5% for hotel reservations
Attention: Amazing Sale on AliExpress!
AliExpress big sale: one of the world's largest marketplaces announces unprecedented discounts - up to 90% for 100 million of goods to mark the World Shopping Day. Do not miss the opportunity to save twice, buy discounted goods and get up to 5%...
Cashback service: how does it work? Part 2
In the previous article, we figured out in detail how the cashback service works and what details you should pay attention to when choosing an aggregator that will refund you money for purchases, bookings and ordering other services online...
Cashback service: how does it work? Part 1 What is cashback service?
It is easy to understand what is cashback service, referring to the literal meaning of the word cashback. The cashback service is an online platform that cooperates with a large number of stores and services...
Cashback for appliance and electronics
Today, a lot of people are looking for the way how to save money when buying expensive household items. Cashback for appliances and electronics is a way to refund part of the expences for purchasing online.
Technomania must be economical: cashback for Eldorado up to 3,4%
Today probably everyone knows what cashback is: Eldorado and a huge number of online stores pay special fee from its advertising expenses to the cashback service for bringing shoppers to the store...
Cashback for shopping can reach up to 51.7%
Cashback for shopping is one of the most popular ways to save on purchasing online. Buying online is faster, easier, and more profitable! Online stores offer wider larger assortment of products, and the prices for most items are otem...
How does cashback service work?
In order to start you need to register on the site, this process takes only a few minutes. This is necessary in order to create your personal account, where the information on your accumulations and history of reservations is displayed...
AliExpress cashback up to 5%
Today everybody knows what cashback is: AliExpress and many other marketplaces and online stores pay a commission to the cashback aggregator for attracting new customers, and the aggregator returns the major part of the reward directly...
Head Spinning Cashback Percentage for Travelling and Shopping!
Cashback percentage, as you probably already know, is different at each service. Today in Ukraine about 10 different services payout cashback for travel services. As a rule we are offered to save 0.5 to 3%...
Travel Cashback: Save Up To 5% On Hotels And Travel Costs
Travel cashback will help you get a substantial saving on hotel reservations, air tickets and car rental. Whatever you are planning, vacation or a business trip, you can refund a part
New Affiliate - Citrus online store
Buy smartphones, laptops, computers, headphones and other gadgets and accessories at Citrus with Hello Cashback cashback! Citrus is one of the largest online stores of gadgets and accessories in Ukraine.