Cashback Rules
In order to get cashback from eBay please follow the rules below:
1) Login to your account on Hello CashbackTM site.
2) Choose eBay in our catalogue.
3) Click "View site" button & proceed with your order on eBay site.
4) Cashback will be credited only when your order is confirmed by the store.
Bringing your attention! The payment currency of some partners may differ from the balance currency, and therefore the amount of your cashback, as well as the balance, may change when the status of the cashback changes.
Cashback will not be accrued for orders placed in the Deals / Daily Deals section on (US)
Сashback will be reduced depending on the country of the store:
UK, DE, FR, IT, ES, AT, BE, CH, NL, IE - 60%
AU - 60% -80%
US, CA - 60%
The maximum cashback per order could be 320 EUR.
Here you can find a detailed list of rates and maximum cashback in terms of categories.
ATTENTION! After you chose the website region on this page (and followed the link) you can not switch it directly on eBay website. Otherwise we will no be able to find your order and cashback will not be credited to your account.
More information about general rules of placing an order with a cashback you can find on "Cashback Rules" page on our site.